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C2’s Tea and Cake Event for Pancreatic Cancer UK

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Risk Management

C2’s Tea and Cake Event for Pancreatic Cancer UK

We’re proud this month to announce our support for Pancreatic Cancer UK as our chosen charity. You can find out more on our charitable sponsorship here or check out the updates on our socials. 

Throughout November, we’re actively participating in Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, raising funds to support our chosen charity and helping to spread awareness about the symptoms to encourage early diagnosis. Our partnership reflects our commitment to ‘giving back’ and making a difference in the lives of those around us. We understand that true success is achieved when we contribute to the well-being of others, and this principle guides our every action. 

Commenting on the partnership Will Jackson, CEO says

“Here at C2, we’re more than just a business, we genuinely want to make a difference in people’s lives. That’s why we’re delighted to partner with Pancreatic Cancer UK as our chosen charity. 

We’ve all been touched by cancer in some way, and pancreatic cancer is a particularly tough battle, often sneaking up on people, and the options for treatment are limited. We want to change that. By teaming up with Pancreatic Cancer UK, we’re supporting the fight against this relentless disease and together, we can make a difference to the lives of those around us.” 

C2’s Sweet Initiative to Raise Awareness

Our Shoreditch office buzzed with excitement on the 17th of November as we came together for a heartwarming tea and cake fundraiser on World Pancreatic Cancer Day. Our team donned their chef hats and baked up an absolute storm. From chocolate cupcakes to Victoria sponge, there was a feast of homemade treats for clients and colleagues to enjoy, raising vital funds for Pancreatic Cancer UK.

Our office, usually adorned in our signature colours, was transformed into a sea of purple, with the team wearing purple t-shirts for the occasion!

The event was a huge success, and we’re pleased to announce that so far, we’ve raised £250 for Pancreatic Cancer UK. A big thank you to everyone who contributed their time, talents, and taste buds to make the event a success! Let’s continue to support initiatives like these and work towards a future where pancreatic cancer is detected early, treated effectively, and ultimately defeated.

It turns out the day’s events to raise awareness didn’t stop there, as some of our team members embarked on their commute home, they were even treated to another purple  surprise – as a choir also raising awareness for Pancreatic Cancer UK took over St Pancras Station. It was a brilliant end to the day, a testament to our collective efforts in making a difference.

Understanding Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is known for its low survival rates and is often diagnosed at an advanced stage due to a lack of early symptoms. Sadly, half of people diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer die within 3 months. Pancreatic Awareness Month serves as a platform to educate people about the risks, symptoms, and preventive measures associated with this disease. 

Be sure to keep an eye out on our website and socials for more events coming soon! 

If you’d also like to find out more on how you can support, visit:


About C2

C2 is a UK risk management scaleup on a mission to help businesses survive and thrive in the digital economy. C2 helps organisations manage security and compliance in a way that’s unique to their business and that does more than simply ticking off digital checkboxes. C2’s industry-leading platform supports the public and private sectors in managing their threat landscape and improving vendor controls, project, privacy, and ESG risks.