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Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter at C2


Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter at C2

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Q&A with Jonathan Wood, Founder C2 Risk.

According to People Management, diverse teams are 87% better at making decisions and further statistics found that those diverse teams deliver 60% better results. This highlights that inclusive decision making can bring about faster change and directly impact a business’s bottom line.

So it’s safe to say, different perspectives, cultures, and identities bring the broadest possible view to the table – to find out what D&I means to us here at C2 Risk, we hosted a Q&A session with our very own CEO, Jonathan Wood to reveal why we’re focusing on inclusive behaviour and the benefits we’re seeing on our workforce as a result.

Check out his answers below:

What does diversity mean to C2 Risk?

Diversity for us is simply about leveraging the most potential input by engaging with employees from as wide a variety of backgrounds as we can, that might be about age, gender, cultural heritage, education, or neurology just as much as it is about which part of the world an employee comes from.

How does C2 Risk encourage an open culture?

We focus on removing any form of bias from our recruitment, making sure we’re attracting and advertising from as wide a potential pool as possible, and then ensuring we recruit and train based on talent and merit.

The more diverse a team is, the easier it is to enable that open culture where individuals can see that the group they’re part of is motivated by a single goal, and respectful of everyone’s input.

How does C2 Risk encourage communication across a remote team?

Remote working offers as many benefits as it does challenges, and at C2 we’re keen to embrace the possibilities of asynchronous as well as geographically dislocated teams. By leveraging the expanding array of technical solutions, such as online collaboration tools and putting in place a range of internal processes we’ve found teams can communicate in a range of advantageous ways.

How is C2 Risk Pioneering the future of enterprise software?

We’re making access to risk analytics more accessible than ever. Applying technology to the quantification and remediation of risks posed by the digital domain allows all sizes of businesses to ‘survive and thrive’ in the digital economy.

Define the benefits of having a diverse workforce for C2 Risk?

The more diverse a team is, simply means that solutions which may have otherwise not even been considered are brought to the table. This diversity of thought and perspective also allows a company to better relate to a range of potential or existing customers, to have a better chance of relating to context or nuance and as a result to deliver more tailored communication or solutions.

What does C2 Risk have in place that utilises AI innovation and how do you see this evolving in the future?

Our Analyst team works with an ever-expanding toolset that uses language models to improve our guidance and recommendations to those under assurance. As you’d expect, there’s lots more to announce on this in 2023 so watch this space!

So there you have it… D&I C2 style! These questions have given us an opportunity to be reflective, meaning we can appreciate and value the diversity of perspectives, cultures, and identities that make our working environment one we’re proud to be a part of.