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Dr. Robert Collins on AI and Machine Learning

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Risk Management

Dr. Robert Collins on AI and Machine Learning

The global machine learning market is expected to hit $528.10 billion by 2030, reflecting its exponential growth. We sat down with Dr. Robert Collins, C2’s latest board member to share his expertise and insights in the future of machine learning, sharing a refreshing perspective on the practical application of this transformative technology. 

A Practical Approach to AI

You may think that there has been all-together way too much hype around Artificial Intelligence of late – and I would tend to agree with you! Even as somebody who has been fascinated by this subject for decades I sometimes look at the news headlines and puff-pieces and wonder what on earth they are talking about. Some appear to be pure fantasy drawn from the imagination of an over-exuberant marketer.

My academic and industrial work has always focused on the practical application of ideas and technologies to real business problems. I am interested in applications that add tangible value to customers and end-users, not just a string of exciting buzz words. For sure, Artificial Intelligence (or as we would prefer to call it ‘in the business’ : Machine Learning) is, and will be, a transformative technology. I can think of few areas that will not be profoundly impacted by this astounding innovation. But the question always has to be – how does it add real value to business, end-users and customers?

That is why I was so delighted to join C2 Risk as a Board Advisor. It was clear from our first conversations C2 were experts in a domain which perfectly suited the capabilities of Machine Learning. Firstly, this is a data-intensive discipline – to perform accurate and reliable analysis of vendor risks requires a deep understanding of vendor data. Secondly, C2 has already made remarkable strides in automating key parts of the vendor assessment process… automation that reduces workload for customers and improves the quality of results. But perhaps most importantly, it was clear that they had the technical capability to turn great ideas into successful products.

My role with C2 is partly to guide the strategic approach to Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning. But also, at a practical level I have been guiding some of the ‘hands-on’ development work for their next generation technology. It is hard to describe the power of that technology without falling into the ‘hype’ / ‘buzzword’ trap I mentioned above. I am very familiar with the advanced mathematics and complex algorithms that the technologists use – I would happily bore you for hours about the details if you would care to listen. But at another, really visceral level, when I see the technology ‘doing its thing’ there is a part of me that is still incredulous: How on earth can a computer do this? Even though I know how it works, when I see the amazing things the technology can do – I still sometimes just think it’s ‘magic’.

So I am very happy to be with C2. They have the ideal platform to leverage Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; a proven track-record in implementation and are well on their way to taking the next big step in performance for clients and end-users. I am absolutely delighted to be with them on this incredible journey. 

C2 Board Member Appointment

Recently appointed as a Board Advisor at C2 Risk, Dr. Collins brings a wealth of expertise to guide the adoption of AI and Machine Learning. His academic and industrial background underscores a dedication to practical applications that add measurable value to clients. C2 Risk, a company at the forefront of data-intensive disciplines, aligns seamlessly with Dr. Collins’s vision.

For more insights from C2, visit their resources here

About C2

C2 is a UK risk management scaleup on a mission to help businesses survive and thrive in the digital economy. C2 helps organisations manage security and compliance in a way that’s unique to their business and that does more than simply ticking off digital checkboxes. C2’s industry-leading platform supports the public and private sectors in managing their threat landscape and improving vendor controls, project, privacy, and ESG risks.